From Passion to Uganda
Several years ago, Amber and I took a group of students to Passion in Washington D.C. They had decided to do several regional gatherings over a few months instead of one huge event in Atlanta. It was a model for the big news they announced that year.... A Global Passion Tour.
The prayer was to use each U.S. gathering as a catalyst for a corresponding global gathering. The church here praying for and sending leaders to the global church. It was a beautiful vision and the subsequent world tour of God name and his renown being championed had eternal consequences in many lives.
Serval years prior to this Passion, I had attended Passion in Nashville. It was 2005, I was teaching high school, but was being clearly called to full time ministry. The call to help others see the truth in scripture, instead of floundering through it or being completely mislead by charlatan "pastors", became the beat of my heart.
Fast forward to today, living in Wyoming with the same fire in my heart, and an opportunity to help equip leaders leaders in Uganda through Training Leaders International happened. I will be teaching Hermeneutics (fancy word for how to read and study the Bible) for two weeks at African Renewal University. This journey is going to be hard and exciting for so many reasons.
However, the one thing I know for certain, is that God ordained this years ago. This card was given to me at that Passion gathering 8 years before.
I carried it in my backpack for years, and then it ended up in the top drawer of my desk. Honestly, I haven't seen it for a few years, but the other day while cleaning out that drawer, it was found again. I'm so thankful that Jesus is directing my path instead of my cluttered nature.:)
Sometime tomorrow, I'll land in Ugnada, praying the passion for truth would ooze from my soul to my students.
Pray for me.
Pray for my family while I'm gone.
Most importantly, pray for the truth of the Gospel to be put on display and carried to the nations.