Global Purpose

If there is one thing getting out of the United States teaches you, it is that the world is much bigger than you imagined. From roaming around airports teaming with people from all over, to sitting on the plane next to a guy from Eastern Europe, or just looking out over the campus of ARU, you begin to understand that God has a global purpose that is beyond our little individual lives.


We must all come to grips with the reality that life isn't about us. This is a hard pill to swallow, since I was the apple of my mom's eye since birth. (and my brother Chris too, of course:) Our mission in life, the very purpose for our breath, is to bring Glory to God and enjoy him forever. This sets us on a path that bends and twists wherever our Lord pleases, for his Glory and for our joy, with him right by our sides.

When I look back upon my life, I am amazed at what God has taken through and gotten me through, often at the same time. High school rebellion, grace poured salvation, college intellectual challenges, getting married to Amber, becoming a teacher, leaving being a teacher, Eli, my first step of becoming a pastor, moving my family to WV, Savannah, developing amazing friendships, more education, called to leave, moving to Wyoming, leading a church, developing amazing friendships, snow drifts, Uganda, etc. At every step, God was directing my path, holding my heart when I was scared, and ultimately He got the glory from my obedience and my trust that He is good.

However, if you just read that whole list, it's very specific to me isn't it. That's the beauty of God. All our lives tell individual stories, but they all point to our one King, Jesus. We are all part of a global church, chasing after the heart of a global God, who has a singular purpose, His Glory.

This morning, I was blessed to attend the church plant meeting here at ARU. We worshiped through music and expository preaching, we clapped, we sang, and we enjoyed the knowledge that wherever we are in this world, we are part of a global movement of God's children falling more in love with our father in heaven, through his word.

Tomorrow class begins and the course I'm teaching here is Biblical Interpretation. Pray for me. Pray for my students. This course is the foundation for everything else in ministry and in life..... How to read and understand the scriptures.

It is a global imperative that all God's people are rightly taught the truth of scripture. This is often done through the preaching & teaching of God's word, so equipping pastors to handle the text is essential for deep and abiding affection for Christ to flourish in the life of the church.

Pray that God's Love Letter to His Children comes alive in their hearts and that they are equipped to lead their families and their people well.